Module 1: Lab - Transaction Classification Application

In this lab, you will create a transaction classification application that uses the Azure OpenAI API and other Azure services to classify a public dataset of transactions into a number of categories that we have predefined. These approaches should be replicable to any multiclass classificaiton use case where we are trying to fit transactional data into predefined categories, and by the end of running through this you should have an approach for dealing with unlabelled datasets.

For this workshop, we will be using GitHub Actions using OpenID Connect and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) using Bicep, to derive following benefits:

  • Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) - Infrastructure is defined as code, and can be version controlled and reviewed.
  • OpenID Connect - OpenID Connect is an authentication protocol that allows you to connect securely to Azure resources using your GitHub account.
  • GitHub Actions - GitHub Actions is a feature of GitHub that allows you to automate your software development workflows.

Steps for Deploying the infrastructure

  1. Creating an Azure Resource Group
  2. Creating Azure OpenAI API resource and deployment of text-davinci-003 model
  3. Configuring OpenID Connect in Azure.
  4. Setting Github Actions secrets
  5. Enabling the GitHub Actions workflow
  6. Creation of Azure Storage Account and Azure Function App
  7. Deploying the Azure Function App code
  8. Creating and configuring Event Grid Subscription

Creating an Azure Resource Group

az login

[!NOTE] if you are using a non-Microsoft account (e.g. FDPO account), and if are running CodeSpaces in the browser, you may receive an error with message localhost refused to connect after logging in. localhost refused to connect If so:

  1. Copy the URL.
  2. Run curl '<pasted url>' (URL in quotes) in a new Visual Studio Code terminal.

curl localhost

  1. In the original terminal, the login should now succeed.

Set appropriate Subscription Id

az account set -s <your-subscription-id>

Ensure correct Subscription Id is set

az account show

Register the following providers

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Storage --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Web --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.EventGrid --wait

Create Azure Resource Group

export resourceGroupName="openai-levelup-rg"
export location="eastus"
az group create --name $resourceGroupName --location $location

Creating Azure OpenAI API resource and deployment of text-davinci-003 model

If you have not already created an Azure OpenAI API resource and deployed the text-davinci-003 model, you can follow the instructions here to do so.

Configuring OpenID Connect in Azure

Execute chmod command on script to make it executable:

chmod +x ./tools/deploy/module0/
./tools/deploy/module0/ <your-github-username>
  • note down the appId echoed for use in next step

Setting Github Actions secrets

  1. In your forked Github repository, click on the Settings tab.
  2. In the left-hand menu, expand Secrets and variables, and click on Actions.
  3. Click on the New repository secret button for each of the following secrets:
    • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID(run az account show --query id -o tsv to get the value)
    • AZURE_TENANT_ID (run az account show --query tenantId --output tsv to get the value)
    • AZURE_CLIENT_ID (this is the appId from running the previous step)
    • AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP (this is the resourceGroupName from earlier step, which is openai-levelup-rg)

Enable GitHub Actions workflow

  • Enable GitHub Actions for your repository by clicking on the Actions tab, and clicking on the I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them button.

Creation of Azure Storage Account and Azure Function App

  • This is achieved by running the Github Actions workflow file module1-infra-worflow.yaml which executes module2-infra.bicep Bicep template. To trigger this workflow manually:
    1. click on the Actions tab.
    2. Select Deploy Module 1 Infrastructure workflow.
    3. Click on the Run workflow button

Deploying the Azure Function App code

  • Deploy the Azure Function App code using Github Actions workflow file module2-code-workflow.yaml as follows:
    1. Click on the Actions tab.
    2. Select Deploy Azure Function App workflow.
    3. Click on the Run workflow button
  • Configure following Application Settings for the Azure Function by going to your function app > Configuration > Application Settings:
    1. OPENAI_API_BASE - Azure OpenAI API Endpoint URL (e.g.
    2. OPENAI_API_KEY - Azure OpenAI API Key
    3. OPENAI_API_MODEL - “text-davinci-003” (set it equal to the model name you provided when deploying the text-davinci-003 model in Azure OpenAI Studio) Remember to click Save after adding the above settings

Creating and configuring Event Grid Subscription

  • Create an Event Grid Subscription to the Azure Function App Resource from the Azure Storage Account for “Blob Created” events in Azure portal:
    1. Navigate to your storage account > Events > + Event Subscription
    2. Set Event Schema to Event Grid Schema`
    3. Set System Topic Name to classification
    4. Select only Blob Created event type
    5. SelectFunction App as the Endpoint Type
    6. Set Endpointvalue by selecting the correct Subscription, Resource Group, Function App, Slot, and Function from the dropdowns
    7. Click Create to create the subscription

Event Grid Subscription Page

Testing Transaction Classification App

  • Open the sample transaction file 25000_spend_dataset_current_25.csv and notice that the classification column is empty. This is the column that will be populated by the Azure Function by calling Azure OpenAI API.
  • Upload this file to the classification blob container: portal > storage account > containers > classification > upload
  • After few seconds, download the updated file from the output blob container portal > storage account > containers > output > download
  • Open the file and notice the classification column is populated with the predicted category for each transaction.

Delete Resources

  • Delete all resources created in this lab by deleting the resource group that was created in the first step of this lab.
az group delete --name <resource-group-name> --yes